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Focused & Fearless with Grace Powderly
Grace Powderly is ready to help students and serve others by sharing her college experience. How did she make decisions on which school...
It’s Hammer Time with Logan Blomquist
While growing up around some pretty rough kids, Logan’s English teacher introduced him to a new sport that gave him more opportunities...
A Self-Starter with a Ball at the Park with Coach Marc Polite
He was just a kid with a ball at the park. He didn’t know much about college, what it was, how to get there, and what it took to get...
The Hike For Global Aspirations with Bella Lambert
A cheerleader, active member of several clubs, and recent high school graduate ventures to find the college that will allow her to climb...
The Perfect Match with Rachel Galligan
It was her first love, her greatest joy, and seemingly the first word she spoke. But Rachel Galligan was devastated that the school she...
Hard Work U with Ben Honza
He worked a part-time job since he was fifteen making countless sacrifices to be able to attend and pay for college. Little did Ben Honza...
Ask the Tough Questions with Brady Barke
Small-town dual sport athlete revisits his “terrible thought process” on deciding where to go to college ending at a great fit in the big...
Walking in Her Shoes with Kayla Park
Hailing from New Jersey, this recent college graduate shares her experience of being a very shy and not that confident of a kid but...
Meaningful Purpose with Coach Tuke
He authentically shares his personal experience as a troubled kid who happened to be good at football and for whatever reason needed a...
The College Shake Up with Mike Nietzel
With undergraduate enrollments on the decline for more than a decade, many colleges are taking another look at how they attract and...
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